How did this happen?
- Kruz – She likes to lay close to him on the bed, or in the yard.
- Seeker’s Tail – Okay, she loves to play with Seeker too.
- Chewing on things! She likes the hard solid toys, that no one else does.
- Eating!
- Being outside.
- Sleeping on the bed.
- Splashing in the baby pool, or fish ‘tank’, whichever is available.
- Chase games.
- Dig in the dirt.
- All people and dogs, even if they don’t like her.
(Kruz 13 1/2 Yrs - Nettle 6 Months)
(Short Retrieve with Distraction = Seeker)
- Being left in her crate during class nights. She can bark for 2+ hours straight, NOT PRETTY!
- Not being the center of attention.
- Bath
- Nail grinding
- Bee-Bops – banding her bangs.
- Jumping up on grooming table – from chair.
- The Vet.
- Tugging (would like this to be in the love category)
- Going for car rides.
Naughtiness –
- Jumps on counters and now twice on the kitchen table.
- Jumps up on people.
- Mouthing hands.
Experiences –
- She’s been to a couple agility trials, (visiting), and while there, worked on ‘holding position’, and tugging. Not running agility of course! Played some retrieve games outside.
- Spent a few nights in a hotel.
Behaviors – at various levels of ‘proficiency'
- Puppy Grid Jumps
- 2o2o – on board
- Pivot on board
- Hug a pole
- “It’s Yer Choice”
- Bang teeter board.
- Skateboard
- Crate Games – all levels
- Give a Kiss.
- Spin in a circle
- “Dig’ around a jump upright – turning tight
- Swim – going again today, it’s so nice.
- Short retrieves to hand.
- Come when called – still a work in progress.
- Walk nicely with head halter on.
- Great strangers appropriately (instead of jumping up on them)
- Attention to me, with various levels of distraction.
So much more to learn!
Where does the time go? Love the pic of her w/brother Kruzie. Very sweet.