Friday, April 10, 2009

First Week of Class!!

The first week of Class is over. I always look forward to getting back into training groove, and seeing all the friends and dogs that I miss over the winter months.


We got pretty lucky on the weather, it wasn't RAINING!!! That's always a plus!
It was bit windy Wednesday night, but that's nothing new.
I continue to look forward to warmer days and more daylight!

I was really impressed with every one's dogs! They looked GREAT!!!
You should all be very proud!!

One thing to remember to do "OFTEN" is to stop and reward your dog. I know it's so hard when things are going so well, but that's exactly when you want to!! You want that behavior to be repeated, so STOP and let them know how WONDERFUL they are!!!

Mary wins the "GOOD JOB YOU!" award for the week!! She stopped and reward Maestro when he did a beautiful job coming between those two jumps!!!
It was PERFECT!!
He's a big dog and it took a lot of control on his part to make that turn.

(Maestro - last summer - by Sheryl McCormick)

I was telling Mary about Susan Garrett's website and the new "Podcast" available "FREE"!!!
It's called "2 of 30" and that's JUST WHAT SHE DID!!!
Do you want to hear it?
You just have to sign up for her newsletter at -

It's about rewarding your dog and "when" you should do it.
It's a great reminder for all of us!

This weekend and the next week we have a lot of exciting things happening!

Jeff and Bea will be in Glen Carbon, IL - looking for that ONE DQ for her MACH!!!!
Good LUCK JEFF and BEA!!!!
Terry - Rip, Michele - Cider, and Meg - Emmi will be cheering them on!!

Carrie and Addie are off to Topeka, KS for the Welsh Cardigan Specialty!!
400 Cardigan Corgis in one place, it will be a blast!!

I'll keep everyone updated as I hear your results!

Have a great weekend and HUG YOUR DOGS!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Bea ran well but we still need that DQ. And I ain't talking ice cream. Saturday Bea did not hold her stay. I had to have a 2-1/2 jump lead out in order to push her line for the weave entry after the double. she crept up to the first jump and knocked the bar. I let her continue until she blew me off at the A frame bottom. We took the walk of shame. Jumpers was a training run. We practiced our stay with a tunnel start. I ran with as much distance as I could get away with. She knocked 2 bars but I learned a lot.
    Sunday was our day. Std looked good on paper, JWW was full of tunnel traps. Std had the broad jump instead of the triple jump. We ran fast and clean until the final 3 jump strait away to the finish. I front crossed after she cleared the double to set up the final and took off running. I heard her hit a board in the broad jump.
    So far I'm 0 for 3 and no mach possible. I was determined to salvage JWW for pride alone. She held her start. I threw in 4, count them 4 front crosses, 1 blind cross after a tunnel, got 15 feet lateral on the weaves, and layered the final 4 jump finish run out. Bea was going so fast she could not stop and jumped the ring gate after the last jump. She jumped back in whe n I called her, and they moved the ring gates back for the rest of the dogs. We got 2nd by 3/10 of a second with a 24.84. Only the 1st place dog and 1 other NQ dog broke 25 seconds.
    Maybe I will get my nerves and my dog under control in Kansas City next weekend.

