Tuesday, June 16, 2009

More Belvidere Results - 6/13 & 14

Earlier in the week they were promising a WONDERFUL weekend weather wise. It was NOT meant to be as Saturday was WET! On the up side, it was also cool, which allowed us to comfortably wear our rain gear. Or in Bill and my case, Terry and Barb's spare rain pants! THANK YOU!!!!!

Carrie and Addie got their MACH on Sunday! GOOD JOB YOU!! (See prior post)

Immy and Meg looked GREAT all weekend!! A few bobbles in 3 of her classes, but she kept moving and her nose OFF THE GROUND! Great job Meg!! It's working!! On Sunday she got an Excellent A JWW leg and a First Place!!

Coz and Barbara looked GREAT!!! An off course in each JWW run kept them from a Q, but wonderful attitude and they had a great time together. He came away with 2 Nov Standard legs and a couple First places! GREAT JOB!

Rip and Terry looked wonderful all weekend, just one thing here or there. Keep up the good work!

Frank and Meme were PERFECT! Of course they were! 4 - 1st Places to boot, along with two new titles! He finished his Open Preferred Standard and JWW titles on Saturday and picked up his first 2 legs in EXC A on Sunday! GOOD BOY!!

Kruz went 3/4, Mad 1/4 (Shoulda been 3/4) and Seeker 1/2. Seek can't seem to keep his bars up in Nov JWW, we just might be there forever!! G Seeker picked up an Open Standard leg his first time in. Good boy Seek!


  1. Great job everyone. How can you leave home without your pants????

  2. Yeah orange doggies!!!!!!!

    We were VERY glad that Bill and Tammy had pants!!!
